Why Guns Will Remain Essential for Self-Defense in 2022

It’s been a little over three years since the Parkland shooting, and in that time, there have been numerous debates about gun control as the number of mass shootings spiraled out of control. Some people argue that guns are no longer necessary for self-defense, but they are wrong. That’s why we want to discuss why guns will remain essential for self-defense in 2022 and beyond. Let’s raise awareness to prevent another terrible incident from happening.

It’s Useful for Fending Off Assailants

self defenseOkay, we’re not going to tell you that you must carry a fully-loaded AR15 with an ar15 part strapped to your back. That would be excessive (not to mention illegal in some states). But we are saying that having a gun can be useful for fending off assailants. It’s been proven repeatedly that people with guns are more likely to survive an attack than those who don’t. You don’t need a fully-automated assault rifle or shotgun when you’re going out for a walk in your neighborhood. But having a handgun that you can carry with you will give you a sense of security and peace of mind knowing that you can defend yourself if someone tries to attack you.

It’s Good for Peace of Mind

Imagine you’re being constantly enveloped in paranoia, afraid of going outside or even answering the door. We’re not saying that you should be living in fear, but having a sense of security is essential. And for some people, that comes from owning a gun.

It doesn’t matter if you never use your gun or even if you don’t know how to use it. Just having it there is enough to give you peace of mind and make you feel safer in your own home. Plus, if you have to use it, you’ll be glad you have it.

It’s a Deterrent Against Crime

crimeAnother reason why guns are essential for self-defense is that they act as a deterrent against crime. Studies have shown that homes with guns are less likely to be burglarized than those without. This is because criminals are typically looking for easy targets, and they know that homes with guns are more likely to have someone armed and ready to defend themselves.

Plus, even if you don’t have a gun in your home, simply having a “Beware of Dog” sign can deter would-be criminals. They don’t want to risk getting shot by a homeowner, so they’ll move on to an easier target.


In conclusion, guns will remain essential for self-defense in 2022 and beyond. They are a helpful tool for fending off assailants, deterring crime, and providing peace of mind. We hope that this article has raised awareness about the importance of gun safety and self-defense. Stay safe out there.

Do you agree with our opinion? Let us know in the comments below. And be sure to check our website for more articles on guns and self-defense. Thanks for reading.